2009 Blog Posts

So as I mentioned in my introductory post, this is NOT my attempt at blogging my life. Back in October 2009 I had the same bright idea and started me up on a BLOG. I did two posts the first day and a third about two weeks later. Then I proceeded to fergit the whole dang thing. UGH. Those original posts are here and I think they show what I was (and will be) trying to do. The first two, especially, establish how this family came about and the third is the first and last attempt at starting to "capture" the sweetness of the kids.

Post #1 from 2009 Blog Fail
October 26, 2009
Title: In the beginning...
There was just me. I was pretty convinced that I was meant to be alone. I had some baggage that kept me feeling pretty unlovable and I projected this. I was tough (at least this was what I told myself repeatedly). I wasn't "girlie." I was a cool customer with a good job, a bad-ass red jeep and an "I don't care" attitude I worked hard to cultivate. Pretty embarrassing when I look back on it - and pretty sad. It makes me want to cry and give that old me a hearty hug and a slap to knock some sense into me.

I always knew I wanted kids - I LOVE them and always have. I did NOT want to just go out and get myself hitched to somebody so that I could have the much-wanted chitlins. As much as some part of me didn't believe anyone would love me, some other part of me refused to settle for anything but the genuine article. A quandary fer sher. God is good though and certain events in my life conspired to bring me back to HIM - and once I hit bottom and called out for His grace and mercy and love - it all came flooding in and the long road to healing began. A few years later, after much had changed and much still remained that needed changing - God brought me this:
 Those LIPS make fer a mean Mick Jagger impression, doncha think?

Perfectly matched :-)

Post #2 from 2009 Blog Fail 
Monday, October 26, 2009
Title: How we met...
I had just moved BACK to C-Bus after a couple years living in another city. I returned to pick up friendships and the life I had left only a couple years before. The day I moved back to town my good friend Heather swooped in to help me settle in and drag my butt to kickboxing. We were mad kick boxers - we felt very bad ass and cool and sexy with our tough Woman-selves. Heather introduced me to Holly during that first class - Holly had joined after I had already left and she and Heather were buddies. I liked her immediately. We all hit it off and a new posse was born. Heather, Holly, me and Stacy (who was not the kick boxer type though fabulous in every sense of the word) became pretty inseparable. I think it might have actually been that first day - when Heather, Holly and I went to pig out after working out so hard - that Holly told me that I needed to meet her roommate.

His name was Clark and he was a musician in a band and he needed "to meet someone his own age." I wasn't sure how to take that "his own age" part but that was how it went. She eventually arranged for Heather, me, her and Stacy to all head out for a Saturday night at "The Barn" where her roommate's band, Hat trick, just happened to be playing. I knew she was trying to hook us up but tried to keep myself pretty grounded in the reality that it was unlikely that anything would come of it. At all.

As we pulled in Holly spied her roommate and yelled out the window. This tall, lean figure with a mop of wispy blondish hair comes loping towards the car with long legs and puffy lips... other stuff happened but really the rest, as they say, was history.

Post #3 from 2009 Blog Fail - And a couple weeks later I posted this third and final tidbit. Pathetic, I know, but you can see that I was trying to establish the framework for how my little family came about and, in this post, start capturing those precious moments. It's a tad on the corny side for sure, but I love this little description and it makes me nostalgic even though it was only 2-n-a-half years ago. sniff-sniff. Anyway - here's the last one from that other blog:

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Title: Sunday Nap
Sunday was such a good day. I took a nice long nap with Jack. I am constantly amazed by the beauty of that boy. He curled his little body up against mine and spoke softly in his little boy voice telling me, "I luh you mommy" over and over again. He would put his little hand on my face and pat my cheek periodically too. Bliss. His mop of blond curls, his luminous eyes of blue, blue, blue, his soft little voice and sweet gestures... How on earth am I so blessed with this wonderful boy of mine? God is good.

It's moments like this, as I watched Jack eventually drift off to sleep that I find myself completely open to God and to the incredible gift of his love. I really GET IT at times like this. I feel my own wonder and all-encompassing love for my child and I'm reminded that THIS is just an inkling of the depth of God's love for me as HIS child... WOW. I Thank you Lord for my Sunday Nap and for showing me so clearly how you love me. 

If Clark were in a Wheaties commercial, Jack would be the "kid inside" - he's a clone of his daddy.

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